There's rumor on sign that FF7 is coming out for PS4 this spring eh ... But looks pretty much like PS1 game not remake disappointed expecting FF7 remake with next gen gameplay and graphics. Since I lack the ability to post this directly as it's own post to the page at large.
Dear @SquareEnix, I want to play your newish Tomb Raider game that I picked up on Xbox live. Unfortunately, making me mash the two shoulder buttons of my controller faster than a hyena on crack just to buy cheap FFXIV Gil get through the intro is frankly insulting and not actually a game. Thanks for locking the other hours of content behind a reflex wall instead of giving me something to strategize over. Thank goodness I didn't spend money on this, or I would truly have been as cheated as I feel.
So is Final Fantasy XII going to get a Steam release? You gave XIII and cheap FFXIV Gil its sequels a steam release, and those are all really...well....I'll be nice and say "not your best work". Thank you square enix my toilett has finished the ''game'' next time i put my money and throw it out of my window.
We update FFXIV guide here. And we sell cheap FFXIV Gil. If you want to buy FFXIV Gil safe and fast delivery, ssegold is good for you!
FFXI music is far superior
Piano collection tracks tend not to be very long. Even if the others are, this is still considerably less value for money than the two preceding bluray soundtracks. Those clocked in at over 4 hours each and came with an ingame minion too.
FFXI music is far superior. Maybe more nostalgic, but superior is a bit of a stretch. Blu-ray? Why Blu-ray? Are you trying to make sure no one will ever hear it? Hang on to buy FFXIV Gil. €30 and bluray for a TWELVE TRACK release? That's pushing it a bit, no? They are on the iTunes store. The blu-ray is cheaper though, since it's a bundle price rather than every individual track, but it's all there. This has been on iTunes for a while actually. No bonus Minion but I believe the Blu-Ray disc includes the original versions of all the songs as well.
So many FFXI has way better music comments. Why cant we just enjoy the music of both mmos without comparing them negatively =_=. They both have very different unique feels which suits their respective worlds.
FFXI music is far superior. Maybe more nostalgic, but superior is a bit of a stretch. Blu-ray? Why Blu-ray? Are you trying to make sure no one will ever hear it? Hang on to buy FFXIV Gil. €30 and bluray for a TWELVE TRACK release? That's pushing it a bit, no? They are on the iTunes store. The blu-ray is cheaper though, since it's a bundle price rather than every individual track, but it's all there. This has been on iTunes for a while actually. No bonus Minion but I believe the Blu-Ray disc includes the original versions of all the songs as well.
So many FFXI has way better music comments. Why cant we just enjoy the music of both mmos without comparing them negatively =_=. They both have very different unique feels which suits their respective worlds.
Anyone on ps4 im looking for people to play with psn
Anyone on ps4 im looking for people to play with psn is ProdigyOfOmega. U can also inbox my on here. I am looking for players to quest with. my gamer tag is swiv23 ps4. Streaming right now and every night at 11pm for the next month. Tune in now to join me on the start of an epic adventure.
Just started playing, level 15, Thaumaturge. i highly doubt it. Xbox LIVE strictly prohibits cross-platfrom games. its why portal 2 was on PS3+PC but not Xbox360. its nothing to do with the OS that xbox one runs on but FFXIV Gil rather the policies behind Xbox LIVE. The underlying issue is that Xbox wants to charge more for cross platform games that play on the same server. SE has already said they don't agree with the double billing and AAR will not be on Xbox. From prohibits to charging where to buy FFXIV Gil. I like how rumors get started. Fact is if square Enix really cared for its fans they would make it regardless what rules they have to follow. Look at eso it's going to be on x1 without crossplay.
I can't even continue my main quest because level 50 bots are farming them, why am I paying 20 euros for 60 days playtime when I can't even get proper support? Why not enable us to call GM's for stuff like this, it's so frustrating. And how does my brother add time to his account? Also, is he going to have to buy a pc version of the game in order to activate his service account? This crap is so confusing.
Just started playing, level 15, Thaumaturge. i highly doubt it. Xbox LIVE strictly prohibits cross-platfrom games. its why portal 2 was on PS3+PC but not Xbox360. its nothing to do with the OS that xbox one runs on but FFXIV Gil rather the policies behind Xbox LIVE. The underlying issue is that Xbox wants to charge more for cross platform games that play on the same server. SE has already said they don't agree with the double billing and AAR will not be on Xbox. From prohibits to charging where to buy FFXIV Gil. I like how rumors get started. Fact is if square Enix really cared for its fans they would make it regardless what rules they have to follow. Look at eso it's going to be on x1 without crossplay.
I can't even continue my main quest because level 50 bots are farming them, why am I paying 20 euros for 60 days playtime when I can't even get proper support? Why not enable us to call GM's for stuff like this, it's so frustrating. And how does my brother add time to his account? Also, is he going to have to buy a pc version of the game in order to activate his service account? This crap is so confusing.
World of Darkness has been really sweet so far
You have to finish the lore quest about the Odin fate from 2.0 launch. I think Uriange is the starting npc for it there's a few quests then once you finish that you can pick up the new quest from Scarlet. . I just found the quest I needed today. It was in the archers guild buy cheap FFXIV Gil . I can do odin now. World of Darkness has been really sweet so far!
I want a pony. All the people who die in the FIRST phase of Garuda Ex please listen to instructions if you're not going to watch a video.
You should make this B2P for millions of people can enjoy your fine game, you already have a cash shop so the transition will be smooth. Could you please delete the level 50 retards that kick people from dungeons because they expect a blm to have raise as a cross class, seriously WTF.
Is there any site that shows how to get each mount. Specially the patch 2.5? Gilgamesh destroying this new content!
I want a pony. All the people who die in the FIRST phase of Garuda Ex please listen to instructions if you're not going to watch a video.
You should make this B2P for millions of people can enjoy your fine game, you already have a cash shop so the transition will be smooth. Could you please delete the level 50 retards that kick people from dungeons because they expect a blm to have raise as a cross class, seriously WTF.
Is there any site that shows how to get each mount. Specially the patch 2.5? Gilgamesh destroying this new content!
Get a PS3 or ps4 FFXIV
I try it but i need a new computer for ff14 my video card sux and i can play it but with low settings and low settings its not that fun .
Get a PS3 or ps4. You can get a used PS3 for cheap FFXIV gil.just pull n all nighter farmin cards i wont wake that hour ill just wait for the live letter. From Hawaii as well, what server are you on? It's in MA (Maine), but yes, it's in the US, so expect his translator to be there.
MA = Massachusetts
ME = Maine
Get a PS3 or ps4. You can get a used PS3 for cheap FFXIV gil.just pull n all nighter farmin cards i wont wake that hour ill just wait for the live letter. From Hawaii as well, what server are you on? It's in MA (Maine), but yes, it's in the US, so expect his translator to be there.
MA = Massachusetts
ME = Maine
What server are you on to play FFXIV
What server are you on, Sam? I'm on Faerie, and we've got it pretty bad. We get double pm's every twenty minutes or so.Diabolos is really bad. Thinking about changing servers.
Maybe try Gilgimesh. Moved there in December from Behemoth and it's a lot better FFXIV gil spammer wise. Specially when they don't constantly friend request. Usually only get 1 or two a day. But good luck getting in though. Took a few days for half our FC to transfer.on odin i rarely get any /tells from gold sellers used to be really bad but lately i can go 2-3 days without recieving 1 lol.
Anyone looking for a personal crafter ? i'm willing to be some1 personal crafter in exchange of the monthly subscribe fee since i live in venezuela and it's a pain to get dollars T_T, no scams, if u interested or want more info add me or inbox. Yes, you can queue for dungeons with random parties, but you can buy cheap ffxiv gil also form your own and queue, Adam Andrews!
It's rather fast paced (especially in raids), and yes, it took some adapting, but it really is a fun experience!
Oh, I can't forget the gold saucer. Chocobo racing, gambling, and triple triad!
Maybe try Gilgimesh. Moved there in December from Behemoth and it's a lot better FFXIV gil spammer wise. Specially when they don't constantly friend request. Usually only get 1 or two a day. But good luck getting in though. Took a few days for half our FC to transfer.on odin i rarely get any /tells from gold sellers used to be really bad but lately i can go 2-3 days without recieving 1 lol.
It's rather fast paced (especially in raids), and yes, it took some adapting, but it really is a fun experience!
Oh, I can't forget the gold saucer. Chocobo racing, gambling, and triple triad!
The FFXIV 14-day Free Trial is now available on PS3
Rejoice! The FFXIV 14-day Free Trial is now available on PS3!
No PlayStation Plus subscription required. Download today and join the adventure on PS3, PS4 or PC!
So many games taking the F2P or B2P model these days yet this game maintains the "traditional" route and still does fantastic! I HATE paying a sub fee, but I love this game so much the way it is I would hate for them to change the payment model and the game suffer.
To take the F2P route and turn into a Pay to Win festival? No, it is way better the way it is.
And see, look at the contents we get even in free patches. From 2.0 to 2.5, we have so, but SO MUCH THINGS to do, it is even difficult to say that is the same game from launch! And yet, it is. I am EXTREMELY pumped for the expansion. I'll have a brand spanking new PC to play it on too! Added pump! Lol
Any game I have paid a sub for I have been the happiest with and played it much longer because of the release of content. Guild Wars died within a few months of buying it because I grew bored with it.. The same for countless other F2P or B2P games.
No PlayStation Plus subscription required. Download today and join the adventure on PS3, PS4 or PC!
So many games taking the F2P or B2P model these days yet this game maintains the "traditional" route and still does fantastic! I HATE paying a sub fee, but I love this game so much the way it is I would hate for them to change the payment model and the game suffer.
To take the F2P route and turn into a Pay to Win festival? No, it is way better the way it is.
And see, look at the contents we get even in free patches. From 2.0 to 2.5, we have so, but SO MUCH THINGS to do, it is even difficult to say that is the same game from launch! And yet, it is. I am EXTREMELY pumped for the expansion. I'll have a brand spanking new PC to play it on too! Added pump! Lol
Any game I have paid a sub for I have been the happiest with and played it much longer because of the release of content. Guild Wars died within a few months of buying it because I grew bored with it.. The same for countless other F2P or B2P games.
monk materia for novus discuss on FFXIV
The extra det is definitely more dps... however it's up to you whether that's worth it or not. The 7 det difference is probably all of 3-5 dps when you get right down to it. The most important stat for increasing your damage is weapon damage which is purely a function of item level. After that is STR. After THAT is determination at something like 1:5 between STR and Det. So by that ratio you could also look at those 7 points of Det as being 1.2 STR. Would you spend tens of millions of gil to gain 1.2 STR?
Since this is about monk relic, ill ask my question here FFXIV gil than,
While I agree with the full Crit Det build or for a triple stat crit, det, acc.
But I have been told by a lot MNKs endgame that it is also worth investing in Skill Speed. Some tells me to do Skill speed, det, crit/acc with Skill speed near capped, Det at 23 or more and with crit or acc being semi-low (less than 20).
Reason being is something about fitting one more rotation per dragon kick or something not sure how that works. Low crit is because MNK has a pretty high "natural" crit rate. That being Internal Release being at 30% crit rate every minute and Bootshine is guarantee crit from behind. Replace Crit with ACC if u need it.
Since this is about monk relic, ill ask my question here FFXIV gil than,
While I agree with the full Crit Det build or for a triple stat crit, det, acc.
But I have been told by a lot MNKs endgame that it is also worth investing in Skill Speed. Some tells me to do Skill speed, det, crit/acc with Skill speed near capped, Det at 23 or more and with crit or acc being semi-low (less than 20).
Reason being is something about fitting one more rotation per dragon kick or something not sure how that works. Low crit is because MNK has a pretty high "natural" crit rate. That being Internal Release being at 30% crit rate every minute and Bootshine is guarantee crit from behind. Replace Crit with ACC if u need it.
I thin the most fun class in FFXIV is all subjective.
For damage class, I love monk. Basic combos and still pull best damage in the raid, I don't like playing dragoon as it feels too boring to play after I'm used to playing monk, that's how I am. I have friends who swear by dragoons and that's their playstyle.
Really, playstyle and personality mean a lot when it comes to
what class is your favorite in this game. A lot of people here say scholar, and thats what i got to max level first, but I ended up dropping scholar myself for summoner and white mage after I started getting better at ffxiv in general. You'd really have to decide yourself!
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