1 adds a new composite materia
2 from the monster drop part of the ordinary / rare stone will become a 'magic' stone
- drop the 'magic stone' level, depending in monster level, by the following two ways, 'magic stone will become common or rare materia
The 'stone stone' decomposition, random access Aion Gold / rare stone.
Collect the 'stone stone', in each village 'stone' where the exchange exchange division into common / rare stone
3 increase to move to the upper race stronghold Bisi incantation book
The head ornaments and 4 wings of the new BOSS in the upper Bisi body falling NEW
5 new elite Bisi commander, chief executive of series suit effect
6 increase the available evidence and honor the blood blood bucket bucket badges were to buy new equipment and consumables
7. In the upper part of Bisi for the newly established base, through the quest rewards can obtain honor blood fighting badge, or in occupied the fortress after entering the copy
8 increase the production of new equipment can be produced by the production of new patterns
9 and God iron props combo (Combo) probability will be increased
10 the use of blood fighting evidence to buy props can pass through the blood fighting evidence and honor medal blood Fighting Evolution
11 major attacks of the spoils of arms, will be able to extract the fortified stone
12 original upper part of the underground fortress Bisi each re admission will spell books, can be used in the lower part of the secret warehouse
13 fixed some props reward Dragon Guard NPC Bisi lower grades
14. Xigeniya / Ecuador Schaller territory War title reward buy Aion Kinah and caldor winner of the title of the remaining time to apply the phenomenon has been corrected
15 delete the collection and production of material level, only to retain the 'ordinary grade' material use
A wide range of 16 grades of material in addition to the general level of the mark as' frozen '.
17 making materials can be made as follows
- drawings made of ordinary grade material
- drawings made of existing (frozen) materials
18 to generate a common level of material change will be changed to a drawing.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
19 fixes some of the problems of the shape of the props can not be normal
20 fixes the problem of the value of the awakening and strengthening ability of the part of the magic gun prop