
Watch out for the chronic complainers

Matt Andre Here's an idea, people are entitled to eggspress their opinion about in game content, there is no need to be so defensive, to be fair the vast majority of seasonal events are just being re-hashed from last year, they need to have more original ideas, and nobody has said they expect high end gear from season events, but nice looking glamours would be nice, unless of course you have your toon head to toe in crappy looking FFXIV Gil egg gear.

All the tards saying u gotta play more than a month in a video game to experience it. Terrible excuse.  I like it. And the egg earrings. And the spriggans...even if there wasn't that much. I found it fun. "good luck trying to do the whole main scenario quest line in one month" I really cant tell if that was sarcasm or not, but i did it in less than a week...

Watch out for the chronic complainers. Completing the quest line is not that much of an accomplishment to buy cheap FFXIV Gil . if you think the game is shitty and you've only done that, you are shitty.

