
Guild Wars 2 legendaries

What does jumping puzzles got to do with wielding weapons bruh.  Either way I don't enjoy forcing myself running to every miserable spot of tyria. It's just not my kind of thing like how some hate pvp/pve/wvw. But seriously? I can't get the "best tier" weapon just because I hate dora the explorer, really.. So what we get from this post is that any players that want the new legendaries now have to grind parts of the game they do not find fun, like pvp or wvw and requires serious grinding of mats for map specific materials? The way to craft these new legendaries seems 10x more grindy than the first generation and sounds awful having to grind Buy Guild Wars 2 Gold activities you may not find fun...

Which is what I dislike and the reason I don't aim for legendaries. Their motto when launch was for players to play the way they wanted but gain the same result but it seems to only apply to leveling. Isn't getting legendaries an end game thing as well, why am I forced to do map completion which is a total drag imo..

Oh wait, inb4 "but you don't need a legendary to finish the game" Duh, thats why I wanted one but not needed one. eh when you think about it, it makes sense to master all parts of the game to become 'legendary' and get a legendary weapob. So what we get from this post is that any players that want the new legendaries now have to grind parts of the game they do not find fun, like pvp or wvw and requires serious grinding of mats for map specific materials? The way to craft these new legendaries seems 10x more grindy than the first generation and sounds awful having to grind activities you may not find fun...

 I love how it fits with the newest staff class, Druid! It's a gorgeous tribute to the Spirits as well as the spirit of the Norn people, imo. Well done! waiting for GW2 Gold the legendary armor sneak pick. one shots flowers.. the other one shots flying ponys with rainbow stuff.. wtf man .. such a troll weapon :c  I liked my unicorns :C and rainbow footyprints.  A most spectacular occasion to slay thine foes with exquisite glee. Just for longbows! Us longbow users have nothing nice looking for weapons. Even a lot of the skins suck, when compared to everything else. so I am still forced to do map completion if I want a legendary huh. Guess the play it your way, get the same result only works for leveling and release of the game.

