Release the game on Christmas please smile emoticon earlier the better. key should be sent to your email if you were selected for beta. Closed Beta 4 is now live! If you are having trouble logging in, make sure your key is for this week. Unless you have a Founder's Pack, previous keys will not work. Each beta weekend requires a new key. Please try to log in to the NCSOFT page at Where are you seeing the URL for "login/signin?" I can't login on the NCsoft site for using my key, when I try there is only a blank page.
I get the intro screen but nothing is loading up. i have used the key but what do i do now? Houyo Kusen I have the same problem, did you fix it? Dawid Komorek redeem again code and apply. how was it? i already claim the key and download the installation from the email that bns team sent to me, but after that i try to login Blade and Soul Gold , it show login failed, please try again few minutes (42) after i read the FAQ, i found out that after claim the key and i will receive a email confirmation. but i dint get any email after i claim . So people who participated from cbt 1-3 Will not be able to log in now? And has to buy a new pack?. Tq for beta key.. i'm from Malaysia.. EU server better ping.. No, if you buy a pack you get in to all the betas. If you get a key from a giveaway, they are for a single beta. Zachary Hickman What do you mean? Blade & Soul im stuck at the launchin scene :C help plez? tried to login from that link, it brings me to and it's just a blank page. I think I'm not the only one with that problem. I do have the splash screen and nothing else. Andrea Dossi Please try to log in to the NCSOFT page Where are you seeing the URL for "login/signin?" mine is stuck in the loading page help? .. looks like your not the only one who got the problem reply to this topic about your problem.