
overview of FFXIVTales from the Dragonsong War

And you proved my point... I've been playing since release, there are wayyyy more nice and helpful players than there are mean/hateful players. Maybe don't victimize yourself so hard? And don't be ashamed to ask for help rather than demand that partying up be removed from an MMO. People still say FFXIV Gil "people still play? "

 Git gud I'll say and ppl won't bother you.  I very rarely have issues with my groups. As a general rule they're always a lot of fun and far nicer than what I've experienced in other MMO's. Then it wouldn't be an MMO. Will any of this stuff be referenced in gameplay?  Patch 3.37? :D or 3.39 or 3.4613464.16_344 plz.

Unfortunately there are a lot of assholes in any MMO. People have some game knowledge and think it makes them superior human beings that all should look up to. Buy FFXIV Gil Video game narcissism is a thing sadly. But there are a lot of nice people in MMOs too. I run a FC with only that sort.Why I NEVER. Jedah, where are your manners? We all came here to put down the game. Shame on you.

Too bad I stopped playing. Chris Hill Too bad your life is sad you probably play this mmo all the time. says the guy who doesn't play, but still find the need to comment on the page lol now whos life is sad? Lol So nobody cares about my comments what a shame. Of course they do lol this game has been on a steady incline since it launched.

