
Merge Vana'diel and Eorzea

Merge Vana'diel and Eorzea, I wanna go to Valkum Dunes with my FFXIV characters!  that would be amazing but wouldnt they have to re-create that from scratch to fit final fantasy 14 maybe in a future expansion? isn't eorzea what is left over of the destruction of Vana'diel though? how would it make sense. Oh wow, I agree, it doesn't make sense, but then again most dreams don't.  cheap Aion Kinah Imagine Bastok in crumpled ruins, Sandy is the new Jeuno, Windy over ran by wildlife, Jeuno taken from beastmen.
A group of characters in Eorzea wants to reclaim their ancestors homelands.
So yes they would have to rebuild from scratch. And maybe Eorzea and Vana'diel are in the same world, but different continent.
The terrain is all there, just fill it in with different objects. If I had the skills and knowhow, I would do it myself. If anything, I can Google Sketch-up an idea.

Nathan John Downes No.. That's not what it is at all.
Here is a thought... Create an option to enable "tells" for friends and FC only to discourage Gil spammers. Here is another thought... Expand the armoire to hold any armor. Here is another little gem... Stop letting bait and rep/upgrade items (for example for armor and weapons) take up bag space or designate it as a key item so it uses one of the gazillion spots for key items that never get used. Here is another one... How about you allow someone to jump to a recipe from the craft window like when you need to make cloth for something or an ingredient for cooking versus having to hunt and peck. I got just one more little gem... How about you allow people to back out to the main menu on vendors that sell multiple things such as tools or armor and repairing as a means to save time. OK I lied... Just one more... Increase the land based mount speed 10% when traveling in the old world as it will let people get around easier and to new content faster. Wait...wait...wait I lied again Aion Kinah ...my bad... Housing.......... How about you cease with the retainers bringing back housing items... It is a cruel joke if you cannot afford a house, or there are no houses, or when the item has about as much utility for Gil or MB worth as a pixelated poop covered rock.

Just my opinion for things you could very easily do to make Eorzea a much more hospitable place for everyone.

