
Easy and fast way to level FFXIV Gil

Many FFXIV players know grinding mobs in FFXIV can make a fair amount FFXIV gil, but you should know that only one percent of 10 thousand of mobs can drop FFXIV Gil and while the rest of the mobs drop items only. If you want to know how to make FFXIV Gil without grinding mobs, this guide is absolutely great for you !

In terms of training, I think the best place is the Stronghold of Security. Located right in the middle of Barbarian Village. There is a hole in the ground around where people are always mining. If you right click it, it will say Climb down Entrance. This Entrance is the entrance to the Stronghold of Security. 

When you kill the monsters, they will drop something so that you can sell them for few Gil. However, this method is too time-consuming. Then you can take a look at the below tips to farm gil fast!

The following is the list of things yoshould do:
1.Get retainers as soon as you finished level 20 story 
2. Always save items you get , maybe some of them worth a lot.
3. All the item can turned into gils which are higher than the mere few gils that sells to merchant.
When you have completed a quest, you should pick up the reward. Please remember to choose Allagan  (bronze, tin, silver, gold, plat) PIECES unless the item you choose is a huge upgrade. You will change your gear often and most of the time dungeon will solve that problem.
Cash in all the allagan pieces from level 1-49 quest reward will earn you roughly 280,000 FFXIV Gil.

Besides, above methods, you can choose some place to farm gils!

1.If you see the mob fromFATE, you can always grind those as they actually drop more than the normal mobs with only a few problems.you have to divide the rewords into the number of player participating the FATE. Even if you cant get items out of FATE, they are giving you good payments upon completion. Not to mention exp and faction towards your guild and grand company. Also, if you dont want to earn gil by yourselves, you can buy FFXIV Gil from online site, like ssegold, it is quite cheap and safe!

2.Sprites (Earth, Water, Lighting, Ice, Fireetcwhich are not so worthy though they drop crystals as you have to get them more faster through Discipline of Land 

3. Speed runs:I know most of the people are not level 50 yet but as a guide that there are few dungeons you can do speed runs if there are no blocking path. And here is the hint how to do ghost speed runs.

If there are no blocking path, let your entire team stay at the entrance and have your tank hit sprint and run to grab all the treasure chest in all of the rooms. (ignore all the mobs and use defensive cool down as necessary) After all the chest has been grabbed (tank will die) and respawn to entrance. Now if the tank can run to the first bosss room and have all the team members follow (healer must not cast a single spell) then have the team members stack to a corner of the bosss room and let the tank die. All the trash mob should return back to their own position and you can have the healer res the tank and get the boss without clearing the entire dungeon.

Although this method is for more advanced players, it is not good to try unless you have a team that has experience with the dungeon.


It was working until today

I have been having problems. After I launch the game the screen goes black and then it just minimizes itself.
fixed. I just had to restart my computer buy DFO Gold
try adjusting DFO gold your screen resoultion. my computer has been stupid and not auto adjusting to games making me do it manually in the control panel before it plays
It was working until today
It's a known untranslated piece of text/bug that the dev team is aware of, and is on the list of things to be fixed in some upcoming patch, rest assured.
Neo, I think the alchemist's FP potion is not very convenient, the way cheap DFO Gold it cooldown every 24 hour instead of just resetting the same time FP resets D:
You have 2 other potions to choose from than just the Alchemist's pot.
Counting down the days buy DFO gold until cash shop opens...Please let me give you money. Let us buy CERA and lots of cash shop items like KDFO and CDFO
can someone send me the link for the ticket plzz and thank you


I play dfo

Although this game is a pay to win, the quality itself isn't any worse cheap DFO Gold . You can make it through the pve aspects without paying a single penny

I play dfo as if I were playing a console game. I will either solo or party with friends/family.

I'm not a huge fan of the community as of right now DFO Gold, but the game itself is awesome. I don't blame ya for not having a lot of faith in the community. A good portion of it is a bunch of nutjobs, or rude, racists, cruel, greedy, self-centered jerks.Because level is scaled, the only individual factors would be avatars and gear. With equal-level (skill and level wise,) players, the one with Ava's would win, haha.

 Avatars are definitely opinional. I've seen low levels beat high levels before. So I wouldn't be surprised if it happens again.


FFXIV Patch 2.56 is live

Patch 2.56 is live and brings the power of the Echo to the Final Coil of Bahamut, and increased drop rate for primal mounts, and fixes for several known issues.
buy FFXIV gil

Doubt it you will read this Dungeon Fighter Online but i just want to express my thanks in every regard buy FFXIV gil  .. bringing the game back .. not yielding to fatigue haters .. being exploiters ..etc .. Doubt it you will read this Dungeon Fighter Online but i just want to express my thanks in every regard .. bringing the game back .. not yielding to fatigue haters .. being exploiters ..etc .. Thanks for being there for us  .anning Exploiters ... whoops that came out wrong.

Thanks for being there for us .


DFO Elven Knight is really fun

I wanted the growing weapon for my main and I was upset to see that we can't trade items between characters now. So no, I'm not enjoying it. The elven knights weird quests make party play with friends a bit odd. I am loving the dragon weapon + level challenge together. Gives good motivation to buy DFO Gold  make a new character and stick with them.

 Love the knight. Love the dragon weapon......just hate for the fact that I didn't know elven knights only use zanbatos and I made my dragon weapon into a short sword buy Dungeon Fighter Gold .....that made me kinda salty.  I was having lots of fun with the game and love it,but untill europe server come, if they ever come, i quite the game because of the lag problems. still love the work you guys doing Neople great company. wish the best .

 Elven Knight is really fun! Chain Rush definitely makes the class feel unique. If you aren't using chain rush then Elven Knight isn't for you, i'm afraid. I am afraid that it is too hard for me to choose what I like best, because there is so much to choose from.


heavensward dev begins

When did heavensward dev begin and when was dx12 and the windows 10 free upgrade anounced. they need to get to know the in's and out's with dx12 before even using it 1st dont you think. ARR should have been dx 11 in the first place. It's not like it's new it's been out since before ARR dev started..

 Yeah people are going to need time to buy into the windows 10/ dx12 market and buy FFXIV Gil 2 years is rather short in real time even if it's an eternity for developer cycles. Next expansion will probably bring that in if the markets big enough and avoid dev tool fiascos.  they actualy used ff14 1.0 as the base shell and kept with a lot of the same things 1 of them being dx9. game engines have to be rewritten to support DX12 its not as simple as choosing x86 or x64 in a compiler.

 I'm proud this silly argument is still going. Was being a sarcastic FFXIV Gil a**hat and it spiraled out control especial with the defense of squeenix.


dark knight

I cried when i finished the main story quest its good though i am ready to get FFXIV Gil my inner darkness on as a dark knight! God damn I wish I didn't have responsibilities lol. Really want to play again.  I'm going to Kill Lolorito, Sear him Mage Fire, and bury the Ashes in the Deepest Mine we Have...

The Twelve Couldn't Hold Me Back.  I think its obvious here who hasnt completed 2.55 yet.. xD.. It should be done by now. Stop crying.  I haven't yet....but you dont see me whinging away like a 2 year old.& buy FFXIV Gil; currently working through raids to get better armour and the binding coils, plus my relic weapon.

  look at this trailer. It has story spoilers but by the time you get to the end Heavensward will probs be out. Music and i am crying .  Jamie only lost a hand, raubahn lost the entire arm. And unlike Jamie HE can still fight.

 That ending made me angry at a select bunch. Feeling like you lost everything you worked for. Expansion is my path to Dark knight *adds epic music*.


FFXIV Heavensward content

Opening movie"? Yeah right. Seemed more like a "trailer". This people only lie and lie and lie. I am glad I will save my money. Awful game anyway.  if you go into the expansion does it come with a level boost so we can start cheap FFXIV Gil playing the new stuff immediately?

lolol no it does not. You can't start FFXIV Gil ANY Heavensward content until you finish all of A Realm Reborn's story content. SE has already said this several times. Nothing from Heavensward (not even the new jobs) can be started until "Before the Dawn" is completed.

There should be a story behind them.. I would like to know about them very much.  Your parents get shot behind a theater. You're a billionaire. You have a butler named, Alfred....

Machinist, Dark Knight, and Astrologian are three new classes exclusive to FFXIV:Heavensward 3.0; new mechanics on dpsing, establishing and keeping agro via Damage and MP consumption, and new dynamics on healing with the option of being a "Buff" healer or "Straight up" Healer. With release on 6/23/15 bond know the story of each new class, but it'll be long since level cap is increased from 50 to 60. I can't wait to take my hand at Dark Knight personally.


run out of fatigue point in DFO

Thank you for bringing this game back Neople. You figure that would be enough DFO Gold. In a perfect world we wouldn't need an FP system, but unfortunately we do to prevent asshole hackers and bots. People stop complaining.   Stick to those guns Neople! This is EXACTLY what I wanna hear! The game NEEDS this system to remain stable!

I think I've only been able to finish my FP like 3 times since the start of the game xD.   I'm pretty happy with the FP system. it stops people from accelerating through the game in a week, and it stops excessive item farming cheap DFO Gold.

Fp helped me switch and try different characters so it helps more than some people think.   I love this game, and having the developers back this game directly without an annoying middleman may be risky, but we are reaping the rewards from that. You have my support to buy DFO Gold.

 i still feel weekends should have unlimited FP's this will cut down whining of people plus this when people have most time to play then during weekday .  I respect your decision to do what you think is best for your game, I hope you respect my decision not to play it. "Sorry guys I know we're having fun but we have to quit playing because we ran out of fatigue" is not a good system. If this is about gold farmers then restricting and limiting your player base will have more of a negative impact than gold farmers ever could.


PS2 and PS3 versions of FFXI

The music thing really oughta be patched in to the PS3 version. While I enjoyed it whole heartedly, this was my biggest and only gripe with the game. With the original music, the game would be complete for me. And I don't want to buy cheap FFXIV Gil the PS4 version just for the music.

Ok now I like this cause I love the original soundtrack plus I can pull all my data from ps3 to ps4? Sounds great. ya spent all this time making another damn remaster of a remaster yet you couldn't remake FFXII??!! like really square, wtf.  I really wanted this for ps3 but hated the system and controller, but love the ps4 so I'll be buying it preorder. Wouldn't mind seeing a ps4 FF13 Trilogy pack as well FFXIV Gil. Not sure if anyone cares enough to buy them again, but I never got to play 13-3 and have no interest in going back to ps3.

 I already have the PS2 and PS3 versions of FFXIV and I'm not buying them a third time despite being able to switch between soundtracks for X sounding real good!

Now I feel the hate. Why didn't the ps3 version have an option to switch soundtracks?


dungeon level guide for FFXIV

Thanks for the response. I do understand that but my issue is when I run the dungeons that give the tomes, I am not getting any on that character. I have run four dungeons with this character and my tomes count is the same as prior to when I ran the dungeons. are you actually not gettin the tomes or cheap FFXIV Gil is the message about not being able to get any more appearing?

 I only have 594 and it's stuck there. I am not getting messages of any kind. I run let's say a coil or FFXIV Gil level 50 dungeon which gives them and when I finish I check my total, still 594. I wrote to tech support and they don't have an answer.  Yes I traded them all in and upgraded to the soldiery. the rate sucks and now I would more to get geared. Are you sure you dont have left over myth tomes?

Never get to point for expansion / might as save money and wait til I get able to even use it , maybe by that time it will he 1/2 the price can't even get the new jobs or even view the new open areas until you complete game up to 2.55.


Watch out for the chronic complainers

Matt Andre Here's an idea, people are entitled to eggspress their opinion about in game content, there is no need to be so defensive, to be fair the vast majority of seasonal events are just being re-hashed from last year, they need to have more original ideas, and nobody has said they expect high end gear from season events, but nice looking glamours would be nice, unless of course you have your toon head to toe in crappy looking FFXIV Gil egg gear.

All the tards saying u gotta play more than a month in a video game to experience it. Terrible excuse.  I like it. And the egg earrings. And the spriggans...even if there wasn't that much. I found it fun. "good luck trying to do the whole main scenario quest line in one month" I really cant tell if that was sarcasm or not, but i did it in less than a week...

Watch out for the chronic complainers. Completing the quest line is not that much of an accomplishment to buy cheap FFXIV Gil . if you think the game is shitty and you've only done that, you are shitty.


We love you Neople

 We love you Neople. Please let us know how we the players can help you more. Thats it, its settled. Neople is wonderful, BEYOND wonderful. No amount of words would do my opinion of them justice. I don't get it. They haven't actually DONE anything.

Yes, they're telling people what they're eventually going to do cheap DFO Gold-- but has any action actually been taken against bots, etc?... In all my years of gaming I've never seen a company more passionate about their game, good on you Neople. And for those of you complaining about the manner in which they are getting their message across buy DFO Gold, stop being pussies and get your head out of your asses. Not every company has to be politically correct, Neople's humanity stands out amongst the plethora of robotic corporations. These people are overworked and underpaid, you'd be pissed too if it was your game.  You guys just keep amplifying your awesomeness.

 I love the everything you guys have done with and inside the game even rendering the CEO akes it obious you all care, maybe an in game billboard (or something like that) with a dont bu ygold kinda thing? Danjuns always watching.