
I play dfo

Although this game is a pay to win, the quality itself isn't any worse cheap DFO Gold . You can make it through the pve aspects without paying a single penny

I play dfo as if I were playing a console game. I will either solo or party with friends/family.

I'm not a huge fan of the community as of right now DFO Gold, but the game itself is awesome. I don't blame ya for not having a lot of faith in the community. A good portion of it is a bunch of nutjobs, or rude, racists, cruel, greedy, self-centered jerks.Because level is scaled, the only individual factors would be avatars and gear. With equal-level (skill and level wise,) players, the one with Ava's would win, haha.

 Avatars are definitely opinional. I've seen low levels beat high levels before. So I wouldn't be surprised if it happens again.

