
Blade & Soul MMO

they need to take care of the bots otherwise they need to change the game title to Bots and Spammer When pvpers finally manage to get past the bot horde tier, they're greeted by the scripter/hacker tier! Woo! Nothing like fighting a permainvulnerable summoner or a destroyer that deals way Blade and Soul Gold too much damage.

Like let's be honest, you can't expect for the people that HAVE MAX GEAR to wait for everyone else to catch up. You guys have had PLENTY OF time to catch up before this patch was released. People just don't understand bns fast pace gaming .... maxed all 6 my characters and I have work and college. ... so I don't see the problem why people complain . PLS initiate us in your ways of balancing work, college and BnS! Or are you here just to make the rest of us feel bad about ourselves?

But ok, I must give you guys credit for using this BGM track. Just like how it was so epic when the music was playing when you went back in time to "slaughter" the innocent civilians at necropolis... this track is like telling us you gonna slaugher all us players with this surprise major weapon update...cheap Blade & Soul Gold Lol didn't u read forums cause it's been announced like 1 or 2 weeks already.

It's like Vanilla WoW minus the culture shock since everyone already played MMO's. You guys are exaggeratedly impatient. Stop complaining about a game having biased judgement. Why so many ppl claim about the weapon upgrade or something?? if u dont have enough gold for upgrade or enough lvl with warlock that is your problem not NC soft problem , u sucks to get gold so then dont blame NC soft bcoz u are stupids for create a new class stop blaming NC!!!

That will keep me busy for a while since Arena is so retarded atm...

