
DFO Soul Benders or Asuras

Well how about allowing male spitfire to throw grenades in air and while back stepping because thats bad ass to be able to do that and it's unfair to be left out of that part of the gameplay it gives more variation while playing it. give male spitfires nitro motor too  and also give spitfires Autogun Mastery  just like in the artwork makes them cooler buy DFO Gold.

So many ideas i would have. But some of which stand out in my mind would be, Blade Master throwing swords to some effect, Berserkers biting and/or clawing at enemies in insane rage, Soul Benders and/or Asuras disorting space to teleport, somewhat like male mage's teleport, a charged concentrated nen cannon cheap DFO Gold, a spear spin, maybe thrown, for battle mage... And i could go one forever! I even have at least one detailed full class idea in mind, if there's any interest in it being heard.

I want a skill for all priests to be able to actually swing cheap DFO Goldtheir weapon DFO Gold, like the exorcist. But monk has no need to swing the massive weapon. He's a speed puncher, so swinging the weapon would just slow him down. D:

