
Character building

Let the selfie freaks rejoice, because new sit poses are first priority I guess? Disclaimer: Obviously I know there's way more to come, this stuff just seems so silly and trivia. Sounds like the have some stuff planned for you. People underestimate the power of "fluff" until they play a game with hardly any. Small things like this make the game more... immersive because we can customize our characters and make them more like what we want  FFXIV gil  them to be.

All I ask is some more faces, eyebrows for Hyur Highlanders, and some more walking options for Lalas on the fluff side. Please, work on mount poses. It's not fair that only certain females can side-saddle. My Miqo'te Male's robe cuts his unicorn in half every time. Would also like side saddle options as my main is a robe wearer at heart. It's what she looks best in! Funny, cause I want the option to change the mount pose. I don't like side-saddle lol. White males and their anime obsessions ;(  Moar emotes please, and don't neglect pvp for future updates. It is starting to take off and needs nurturing.   I'm sure it won't change, but frankly there's just not enough reason to play the game often enough to pay a fee for. People think the multi platform interaction is good, but having to type instead of using a headset mid battle to chat takes a lot of fun out of it. Id rather it be single platform so we can use mics to chat cheap FFXIV gil . Character building  takes much to long for those of us that don't have time to sit in a room and play all day. And it takes way too long to gain any good amount of money. If those issues werent so bothersome, I wouldn't have found the $100 I spent and the $80 in gas to get the last collectors edition of the original.

About time. /cpose options for /doze on beds next? Hell yeah x_x that Miqo'te female pose is the damn worst. make something bettee than the actual sit pose for female au ra.... so weird. I like these outfits that came from the Moonfaire colonthree emoticon Glad you made it easy to get too lol. I had a bunch for my female Miqo'te colonthree emoticon I was able to get it all since a guildie made them for me. Awesome. Its a little thing, but I've never cared for the default sit pose for the female Elezen. Great but I still want more then 2 hair colours at one time. Or we could go outside and hang out at a park or something. Hang out in game. On the beach. Have a party.  Is the Deckard Cane making an appearance? I hope so, cause I hate how my Miqo-te male sits... He looks like he's popping a squat to squeeze one out...  Y'all need some more people on your dev team with ideas. Could yous hire me please? Hire Trip Licus while you're at it too. When is Final Fantasy XIV going to officially support Windows 10?

