
real heart of Guild Wars 2

There needs to be a good balance between ingame and gemshop items otherwise it feels a bit like a scam, I dont like the thought that the Black Lion Company is the real heart of Guild Wars 2 but stuff like the glider skin approach ( 1 ingame and like 6?7? skins in the shop right from the getgo) give that thought fuel.I mean the expansion costs as much as the maingame and I can overlook that there are only 2 new armorsets while there are lots of new costumes and armorsets in the shop but the glider is THE new big thing in HoT.

bit of a scam ? you dont have to pay membership for the game why should they give us free stuff ? They already give us a ton of stuff that doesn't require us to shell out real money Guild Wars 2 Gold . They even have a method to obtain gems through regular play. And there isn't a subscription fee. Seems more than reasonable to me. Joshua Denning Its not free , HoT was sold for full price. A game should feel complete when you sell microtransactions and not like parts were taken out of it to sell them for an extra price.If at release you see a new item slot and every option apart from the default one says "buy it in the gemshop" I cant help but feel disappointed in that regard. Can't agree with you that it feels like a scam, but I'm totally with you that at least one or two glide skins you could obtain via normal gameplay would be indeed really neat.

Or for a Start, why no Tequatl Wings and Holographic Wings Glider Skins? Can you do something about your servers? Was playing along quite nicely for 2-3 hours, then suddenly I've disconnected SIX TIMES in the last 30 minutes. I wish the drop rate for getting scraps and tickets was higher. Just opened 15 chests and only got 3 scraps and GW2 Gold no tickets. Guess I'm not getting the new weapon skins for my Revenant.I really hope i can afford this game. been awesome playing the free to play. cool gliders btw. I just wanted to warn you guys that crafting precursors is really the worst idea arenanet has ever had. For example the precursor for frostfang costs at least 300g more to make than to buy from the trading post. I just want to applaud the brilliant mind that came across this idea. I was so happy to craft my precursor but now i just want to quit the game altogether because i wasted my time and my money. I'm not even close to making a precursor and i thought this would be a " great journey of crafting my precoursor". What a great journey it was.

