
Blade and Soul beta/TW/japanese/russian n chinese server

Arianna, what happens is that most of the players (like me) have already played this game before on chinese, TW, and japanese servers... so it's a bit annoying when u have to start from the beggining over an over, we all kno what about this game is. Founders pack didnt give the possibility to maintain beta progress either afaik. And get real, who would make such a stupid move to transfer to official release characters where you coul just buy ncoin items for free and got shitload of items just from surveys? Just think abou all the "he got founders so he is op now"shitstorm. guess you guys have never played a beta before...betas are here just and only for that reason to test the game...once the testing is done its like...here you go you can play now...but all toghether and all the same...guys who have been playing in beta have so muchh advantage over non beta guys...just think...you know everything you've experienced it once it'll be easy the second time...no hate just saying Blade and Soul Buy Gold .
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thats why i said more knowledged but cmon, lemme keep my character, ive played it over 10 times in all servers :c (joke). losing means doing it better next time in live game than we did in beta/TW/japanese/russian n chinese servers:) so im not mad at this :'D. Just about every game always ..once the cbt ends they reset everything so its fair to those who didn't have the chance to be in cbt. What don't you get about beta .. also read the founder's pack's list of what they include and use your head. Did people really believe there character would carry to real game? Why are you guys even shocked? Do you know what beta even means? It's for the developers, not your entertainment. Stop thinking beta is super happy fun times I get early priveleges. You're a bug hound. Nothing else.  What you have to remember is that there is a LIVE version of Blade and Soul that has been LIVE for several years already. The game works. They are really only testing for translation bugs.Blade and Soul Gold This closed beta does not need a live beta testing phase as a result. The actual game won't change enough to alter the vast majority of what the Chinese/Russian version of the game does.

You can only safe your beta char. model design and you will get 3 day head start with founder pack. do we get like some special outfit for beta testing?. and btw those Unsealing Charm are WAY to expensive and hard to find. need some tweak, we should be able to just unseal stuff with money for unsealing stuff for upgrade. but purple stuff can be trade while seal, but need unsealing charm to unseal or something. other wise is pointless to get a really good purple weapon from dungeon and u cant even trade for the one you want or sell it to get the one you want.

